Art by year 4 student

Art by year 4 student
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

les châteaux forts des grades 4.

Voici les constructions réalisées par 4.1 et 4.2.
Tous les châteaux forts sont différents, et ont été construits en classe et par les enfants.


Anonymous said...

Merci Cathy pour mes notre château de Anouk, Sofia, Shekinah et moi.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! These castles are amazing with so much creativity! If I was a tiny person I think I would like to live inside one.. like a queen!

What do you think was your favourite thing about making your castle?

What was the hardest thing?

I would love to hear your responses boys and girls! :-)

- Mrs Lewis

Anonymous said...

the hardest thing whould have been makeing it but the painting and decoration was easy

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing was painting them! the hardest thing was probably making it -getting all the measurements right and designing it.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it so much, but it was hard to make.


Anonymous said...

ma soeur aime beaucoup et moi aussi.
C'etait tres difficille a faire.


Anonymous said...

merci cathy davoir mis les chateau forts sur le blog comme sa j'ai pu le montrer a mon pere il a dis SUPER!!!


Anonymous said...

MerciCathy pour tout j 'aime tout les chateau forts Aisha

Anonymous said...

MerciCathy pour tout j 'aime tout les chateau forts Aisha

Class Pet 2

Franky the Frog (Freddy's friend)